Casa Des Nuda House Concerts

Welcome to Casa Des Nuda House Concerts

About Us
Bringing Music to Life
Randy and I built our dream home, Casa Des Nuda, in 2017. We built it with a love of entertaining in mind and discovered by accident that we'd built it for amazing acoustics as well. Now we are combining our love of music and friendships in this concert series. If you'd like to know more, there's a little Culturemap article here:

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Berthold Auerbach
Oh man does it feel good to update this website with some shows (FINALLY)! We truly hope you all are well and ready for some soul medicine in the form of amazing live music. We have 2 bands booked so far this year and looking to do more so check back often!

2024 Schedule
Service Subtitle
Plan your calendar!
Looking forward to a good year of muic!
November 16th with Del Castillo Trio!
Del Castillo Trio
November 16th, 2024
Ya'll remember seeing these amazing performers at the Casa about 5 years ago? Well, we are lucky to have grabbed them again for Nov 16th! Many of you are fans of theirs (like me!) since the 1990's! They have wowed and impressed so many fans over the years and they never disappoint...the amazingly quick and talented fingers of the Del Castillo brothers playing Spanish guitar and that husky beautiful voice of Alex Ruiz will transport you to Mexico or S America or just about any Robert Rodriquez movie! If you are not familiar with them (shame on you), just imagine Gypsy Kings crossed with blues and rock. AND, we will be celebrating Rick del Castillo's birthday as well that evening!
"Del Castillo is a cross-cultural power uniting music lovers of all ages, creeds and colors. Their original music blends rock, Latin, blues and world music into a cinematic celebration of sound that lifts your soul. It started with two brothers, Mark and Rick del Castillo collaborating on a recording project that was initially intended as a gift to their parents and family members for the holiday season. As accomplished electric guitarists in different bands and not having played together, they decided to join forces on acoustic nylon string guitars, creating a rich, romantic, more traditional sound in honor of the Spanish music they grew up listening to at home. The brothers invited their long time, home-town musical friends to also play on the songs and the music soon came to life."
Answers You Need
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are located in Driftwood, TX about 2 miles from the Salt Lick. We are also very close to
Twisted X Brewery--
Desert Door Distillery--
and Driftwood Estates Wineries--
if you want to make a day of it!
How do I get into one of these shows and how much does it cost?
Just send us an email to RSVP and we'll give you instructions on how to pay. Most shows will be in the $15-20 range and ALL money goes to the musician.
What time does the show start?
Most shows will start around 7:00 and go to 9:00 pm with a short intermission in the middle. Doors will open at 6:00 for food and fellowship.
What about food/drink?
We encourage you to bring a snack or small dish to share although this is not mandatory. We will provide delicious filtered rainwater, but please BYOB of choice. We provide plates, plastic ware, napkins and cups. I find wine out of solo cups to be so klassy :)
Are kids allowed?
These concerts are designed to respectfully listen and appreciate the musician. That being said, if your child is 14 yrs old or older and can enjoy this appropriately, that is fine. Please be aware that we do have a pool that is strictly off limits to guests.
What else do I need to know?
Just a few odds and ends:
--please be respectful when parking. Do not block the neighbors' driveways. We have a circular drive and plenty of street parking. Please leave the main driveway open for musicians and their equipment.
--as stated above, we do have a pool and jacuzzi that is off limits to guests. By RSVP'ing to these shows you are acknowledging that we are not responsible if you fall/jump in without a lifeguard.
--we have a LOT of deer in the area so please drive slowly and carefully through the neighborhood.
--we also do occasionally have scorpions and other critters. We live on a greenbelt and invaded their space so that just comes with the territory.
--we also have pets, so if you are allergic to cats or dogs, you may want to premedicate :)
Why should I come to your party?
Firstly, this is NOT a party. This is a sit down concert to appreciate the talent and stories of each musician. When the show starts we will invite you to take a seat and be respectful. Please turn cell phones off or on silent during the show and keep talking/distractions to a minimum. This is a unique opportunity to discover a new talent or to appreciate someone you are already familiar with in a very intimate setting. You will be able to hear the stories behind the songs and mingle with the artists.

NOV 18, 2017 and June 2018
Robynn Shayne and co. set the bar high for our first house concert! We had folks dancin in the aisles! She came back the next year and tore the house up!

FEB 24, 2018 and FEB 16, 2019
Dave Massey brought his SEVEN piece Flamenco Symphony band for this spectacular event of amazing guitar and violin work. These guys are always a sold out show and will be an annual event.

Apr 14, 2018
Will Taylor, Marc Utter, and Karen Mall brought their unique beautiful sound on a perfect Sunday afternoon show.

Aug 2018
Tessy Lou and company brought their own brand of honky tonk and honey harmonies to the Casa. Everyone was spellbound and in love by the end of the night!

SEPT 29, 2018

Ian Moore and Strings Attached
Apr 6, 2019
Well the weather conspired against us having this in the backyard, but The High Road came through for us to have a spectacular intimate concert with our favorite "local" musician, Ian Moore, backed by the amazing Will Taylor and Strings Attached.

Del Castillo Trio
May 2019
Dios Mio! These super talented musicians treated a sold out crowd to amazing guitar work and vocals (and they're such great folks too!). What a night to remember!

Jackie Venson
Oct 19, 2019
Wow! Jackie really tore it up at the Casa, not only blowing us away with her guitar slinging but just with awesome stories and sweet personality. Highly recommend catching her while you can!

Rochelle and The Sidewinders
June 5, 2021
Folks were ready to have fun summer of 2021 and Rochelle and the Sidewinders brought the blues and soul and brought the house down!

Cari Hutson Trio
April 9, 2022
Wow, Cari just floored everyone in attendance with her powerhouse voice and amazing original songs and sense of humor.

Rochelle and the Sidewinders
June 25, 2022
Our first outdoor event (with pool seating)! And we couldn't have done it without Rochelle's killer vocals and the bands fun beats. Annual event???

Scott Strickland
December 10, 2022
Scott was such a joy to have at the house with all our Christmas decor up and everyone in a festive spirity. He is a rare talent that we hope to see again in such an intimate setting!

Ray Prim
Jan 21, 2023
Not gonna lie, Ray made me cry. The amazing harmonies with the strings and Mexican Chocolate's beautiful voice and Ray's lyrics and singing moved everyone that night.

Donovan Keith and Band
June 24, 2023
It was a sweltering June day, made hotter by the soul and funky sounds of Donovan and company! Pool seating added cool to the show

Warren and Marshall Hood
September 23, 2023
Warren and Marshall brought all that awesome Americana and amazing fretwork to the Casa, flooring all in attendance with talent!.
Heading 3

Malford Milligan and Tin Cadillac
April 6, 2024
Malford and crew took us to church and moved folks to tears with his powerful voice. He even let Randy play the Congas with him!
Contact Us
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our performance schedule and special events.